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5 days ago

Ephesians: See and Believe
Eph. 1:15-23
1. Praying (Spirit) (15-16) 
2. Seeing (Light)  (17-18) 
3. Believing (Power) (18-21)  
– Know the Hope 
– Know the Riches 
– Know the Power 
4. Praising (Jesus) (22-23) 
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. Paul’s Prayer vs. Our Prayers
When you read Paul’s prayer, what stands out to you as being different from how we typically approach prayer today? How might his focus and priorities challenge or inspire the way we think about and practice prayer in our own lives?
2. The Struggle Between Seeing and Believing
Have you ever felt a disconnect between seeing something in your faith and truly believing it in a way that transforms your life? Paul seems to be praying for the church to not only see spiritual truths but to really believe them in a way that makes an impact. Can you share a time when you knew something about God intellectually, but struggled to let it truly shape your life?
3. Spiritual Illumination: Turning on the Light
In verses 17-18, Paul describes a kind of spiritual “illumination” where the eyes of our hearts are enlightened. How would you explain this concept in your own words? Have you experienced a moment when God “turned the light on” for you spiritually? If so, could you share an example of how it affected you?
4. Knowing Hope, Riches, and Power
Paul prays for the church to deeply understand and believe three key things: hope, riches, and power (verses 18-19). What do you think he means by each of these, and why would these be especially important for the believers to grasp? Why do you think it’s crucial that we not only know these truths but truly believe and live them out? How can forgetting these impact our spiritual walk?

Ephesians: Truth That Sings

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

Ephesians: Truth That Sings – Eph. 1:7-14
1. You Have Redemption (7-8) 
– Redemption 
– Purchased Through His Blood
– Results in Forgiveness 
– Because of His Lavish Grace
2. You Will Be Complete (9-10) 
– Time 
– Unity of Heaven & Earth
3. You Are Sealed (11-14)  
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. In what ways do we take God’s lavish grace and spiritual blessings for granted? (Matt. 13:44-46) 
2. Look at the three main points of the sermon. How does knowing these truths alter our perspective on life today and our hope for tomorrow?
3. God has a plan for history, and we are part of his plan. He will unite heaven and earth once again one day when he returns. What does this mean for you today?  (Eph. 1:9-10, Gal. 4:4-5, Phil. 1:6)
4. Why do you think the Holy Spirit is described as a seal and a guarantee? What does this mean?  
5. Close your group by reading aloud verses 3-14 as a time of meditation on the spiritual blessings of God’s glorious lavish grace upon his chosen people. Praise him!

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

Ephesians: Anthem of Christianity
Eph. 1:1-6
The Intro to the Letter 
This Sentence Can Sing
The Anthem of Christianity 
Sings Praise to God 
Sings of Spiritual Blessings
Sings of Being Chosen 
Sings of Love 
Sings of Adoption 
Sings of Grace 
Sings of Jesus 
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. Walk through the major headings and themes mentioned in the whole book of Ephesians. What is the general theme of this letter, and how does Paul lay this out? 
2. “This letter is pure music; truth that sings; Doctrine set to music.” (John Mackay) John Mackay is talking about Ephesians when he says this. Why do you think he describes this letter in this way, and what do you think he means? 
3. What spiritual blessings is Paul “singing” about specifically in verses 3-6? (many more in verses 3-14 as well) 
4. What are the implications of being adopted in love by God? How does this truth affect our daily lives? 
5. Try writing one sentence/song called the Anthem of Christianity that describes the core of the Christian faith. What would you include in your anthem and why? 

Topical Summer: Politics

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

Gen. 9:1-7, Rom. 13:1-7
What is the Government for?
Genesis 9
Romans 13 
CONCLUSION: The Lord Reigns 
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. Why does everything seem so political today? What are some of the root causes to this “hyper-politicized” society? 
2. What does the story of John Newton and William Wilberforce inform our political engagement? (If you can’t remember, it’s worth looking up and discussing their relationship and influence upon history) 
3. What’s the difference between power and authority? How does this change the way we view and respond to certain authorities? 
4. How does Genesis 9:1-7 authorize human government? Why do you think God gave these directives after the flood? 
5. Discuss this definition of government for Jonathan Leeman. What sticks out to you from it, and what do you agree with or disagree with? 
Job Description for government: to administer the justice requisite for protecting human life, secure the conditions necessary for fulfilling the dominion mandate, and provide a platform for God’s people to declare God’s perfect judgment and salvation. 
6. Read Romans 13:1-7 and give another summary of the role of government and our response to government. 
Pray for our leaders and those in government: 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Topical Summer: Community

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Romans 12:9-21
INTRODUCTION: What is a church?
CONCLUSION: What can I do today?
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. How can you practically show brotherly affection and outdo one another in showing honor within your church community, as mentioned in Romans 12:10?
2. In what ways does affection drive believers to form connections with others they may not naturally be drawn to within the church community?
3. Reflecting on the failures of family relationships outlined in the sermon, how can you actively seek reconciliation, forgiveness, and grace in your interactions with fellow believers, striving to build a stronger and more loving church community?
4. Considering the concept of exclusivity and inclusivity in relation to the Gospel, how can you demonstrate the all-encompassing love of Christ to those around you, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds?
5. How can you actively participate in a small group within your church in order to deepen relationships, serve one another, and grow in community beyond surface-level interactions?

Topical Summer: Identity

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Pastor Josh Prather
The Nature of Identity
The Crisis of Identity
The Biblical Basis for Identity
IDENTITY IN CHRIST - Ephesians 1:1-14
Chosen, Adopted, Forgiven, and Secure in Christ
The Universal Longing
The Way of Self
The Way of Jesus
Small Group Discussion Questions
How can the Biblical view of identity, as presented in Genesis 1-2, guide you in balancing the aspects of being created by God with being embodied and having purpose in your life?
Reflecting on the excerpts from the children's book 'My Own Way' shared in the sermon, how can you navigate societal messages about gender and identity while seeking to align your identity with God's design for you?
In what ways can the crisis of identity caused by 'expressive individualism' be seen in your own life or in the lives of those around you, and how can you offer a different perspective rooted in Biblical truth?
Considering the comparison between the way of self and the way of Jesus, how can you actively practice self-denial and follow the path of Christ in your daily life to find true identity and satisfaction?
     5.  Who are the people in your life who are finding their identity apart from God that you can pray for as a group?

Topical Summer: Finances

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Monday Aug 19, 2024

AUGUST 18, 2024
1 Tim. 6:5-10, 17-19
1. WORK HARD: According to the Creation narrative; work is good.
2.GIVE MUCH: Lord’s followers are to minister to the poor
3.LIVE FREE: Wealth can be a stumbling block 
Conclusion: Disrupt the Corruption of Greed with Generous Stewardship 
Small Group Discussion Questions
1. In what ways have you observed the truth of the saying, “Money reveals the heart,” in your own life or in the lives of others? How does this phrase resonate with your experiences?
2. Let’s explore the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. What lessons can we draw from this parable about how we should manage our finances and the resources God has given us?
3. According to 1 Timothy 6:6-12, 17-19, we are warned not to love money. What guidance does the Bible give us on how we should use our money instead? How can we apply both the warnings and positive actions in our daily lives?
4. How can practicing generous stewardship help us resist the negative effects of greed, especially in our American Western culture? What does it mean to work hard, give generously, and live free from the entanglements of riches?
5. Let’s compare and discuss different biblical characters who were wealthy and those who were not. How does the Bible portray wealth and poverty in their lives? How did these individuals serve (or fail to serve) God in their particular circumstances? 
Examples: Abraham, Job, Elijah, Moses, Solomon, David, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Nehemiah, Paul, Jesus, John the Baptist, Corneilus, Joseph of Arimathea, Judas, Joanna, Susanna, Mary Magdalene, Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila, Dorcus/Tabitha many others etc….)

Topical Summer: Parenting

Monday Aug 12, 2024

Monday Aug 12, 2024

AUGUST 11, 2024
DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9, 20-21
Love God (4-6)
Teach and Train (7)
Remind and Reinforce (8-9,20-21) 
Small Group Discussion Questions and Notes
Extra resources make sure to check out the film course on intentionalparenting.org and Phil and Diane Comer’s book: Raising Passionate Jesus Followers 
Phases of Parenting: Spend time in your group describing the differences between the variety of stages and what is different about them. How is God’s grace necessary through all of them? 
Phase 1: Laying the Foundation (Birth through Age 5) 
Phase 2: Doing the Framing (Ages 6-12) 
Phase 3: Installing the Functional Systems (Ages 13-17) 
Phase 4: Completing the Finish Work (Ages 18-22) 
Phase 6: Opening the Front Door 
The Parenting Box: (Building the house) Draw a box with the follow instructions and discuss how each side is necessary when raising a child. 
Jesus: the undergirding foundation of every part of life (Bottom of box) 
Foundation of everything.
Discipline: using the 5 tools of discipline and discipleship (left side of box) 
5 tools: (1) Correction, (2) Rebuke, (3) Encouragement, (4) Patient Instruction, (5) Rod of Discipline 
Order: a structure that enables your child to thrive (Right side of box) 
Routines and culture 
Fun, affection, and affirmation: (top) keeping relationships strong and close 
Roof of box/house: prayer

Topical Summer: Heaven

Monday Aug 05, 2024

Monday Aug 05, 2024

AUGUST 4, 2024
MATTHEW 6:9-15
Introduction: Misconceptions of Heaven and Earth
Body: Kingdom of Heaven 
Conclusion: Reframing Your Conception of Heaven and Earth
Application:  Your Work is Not Wasted (1 Cor. 15:49-58) 
Discussion Questions
1. What are some general conceptions and possible misconceptions people have about heaven? What do you think of when you think of heaven? Do you include the earth in your hope for heaven as well? 
2. What does the phrase from the Lord’s prayer in Matt. 6:10 teach you about heaven and earth and our purpose for being here right now?
3. Discuss this quote: Kevin Deyoung: “Think of the good news of Revelation 11:15, which you may have heard in Handel’s Messiah. ‘The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.’ That’s what’s coming. The kingdom of God is the heavenly world breaking into our earthly existence. Do not think of the kingdom as a realm to which we are going as much as a reality that is coming to us.” 
4. What encouragement can you draw from 1 Cor. 15:58 for living now in light of eternity? What should we be doing right now?

Monday Jul 29, 2024

The Power of Grace (Romans 5-6) 
1. Grace is a Free Gift 
2. Grace Abounds 
3. Exploiting Grace 
4. Union With Christ 
5. Death to Life
The Presence of Sin (Romans 7)     
The Freedom of the Spirit (Romans 8) 
Discussion Questions
1. How have you experienced and received the grace of God? Share a testimony of God’s grace for you. 
2. What is union with Christ?  Why is this one doctrine called the “theological shorthand for the gospel itself”? (Romans 6:2-5)
3. Discuss these quotes:  “Growing in Christ is . . . deepening. Implicit in the notion of deepening is that you already have what you need. Christian growth is bringing what you do and say and even feel into line with what, in fact, you already are…Real change occurs through this reality: the life of God is in the soul of Man. – Dane Ortlund” 
4. What resonates with your own life experience with Paul’s example of his war with sin as a believer? (Romans 7:15-25)


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