Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

Ephesians: Renewing the Spirit of Your Mind


Renewing the Spirit of Your Mind

Ephesians 4:17-32

  1. You Were (17-19)  
  2. But Not Anymore (20-21) 
  3. Take Off The Old Uniform (22) 
  4. Put on the New Uniform (25-32) 
  5. Renew Your Mind (23) 


Small Group Discussion Questions


1. Leaving the Old Behind: Ephesians 4:22 calls us to “put off the old self” and its corrupt practices. What practical steps can you take to intentionally leave behind specific habits, patterns, or thoughts that no longer reflect who you are in Christ? How can the group support you in this?


2. Engaging with Past, Present, and Future Grace: The sermon references past(you have been saved), present(you are being saved), and future grace (you will be saved) in the journey of the Christian life and becoming like Christ. How do each of these aspects of grace impact your understanding of God’s work in your life? How does knowing that sanctification is an ongoing process help you to trust God in areas where growth seems slow?


3. Equipped with the Holy Spirit: The illustration of using “power tools” for spiritual growth suggests that self-effort alone isn’t enough. How do you experience the work of the Holy Spirit in your life? Are there areas where you’re relying on your strength alone, and how can you invite the Holy Spirit to work more actively in those areas? Remember, grace is not opposed to effort but earning. 


4. Renewing: What does it mean “to be renewed in the spirit of our minds” and why is this the link between putting off and putting on? (compare to Romans 12:2 and Col. 3:9-10) 

5. Spiritual Disciplines and Renewal:

Paul calls us to “renew the spirit of our minds.” What spiritual disciplines (such as prayer, Scripture reading, solitude, silence, fasting, etc.) have helped you reorient your mind and heart towards Christ recently? Are there disciplines you would like to add or practice more intentionally?

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